Phishing Scams That Imitate cPanel and Target Webmasters

Phishing scams are abundant on the internet. Many persons have become victims of identity theft, for example, due to phishing emails that steal their personal information. Now, phishing has taken on a new face. There are individuals out there who are now imitating web hosting companies by using look-alike web pages to trick webmasters to release their FTP information. For more detailed information, please read the following articles:

Phishing Scam Imitates cPanel

CyberCrime and Doing Time

Take action now to prevent any disruption to your website and save yourself lots of heartache.… Continue Reading “Phishing Scams That Imitate cPanel and Target Webmasters”

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Work At Home Job Scams On The Rise

As times get harder and the economy in many countries are in recession, more and more persons are losing their jobs and thus looking for new ways to make money. Many of them are seeking work from home jobs that would enable them to stay at home and spend more time with their families. Even persons who still have their jobs are seeking ways out of the 9-to-5 hassle, looking for jobs that they can do from home. Unfortunately though, there are individuals out there who are seeking to scam such persons out of the little money that they have, … Continue Reading “Work At Home Job Scams On The Rise”

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Anti-Identity Theft

Each year, there are millions of persons who are victims of Identity Theft. It certainly is not a trivial mater and definitely cannot be fun for those who have fallen victim to it. Some pay the consequences many years after the incident. Individuals who spend a lot of time online need to be aware of the threat, but unfortunately many are not. As such, they do not have any systems in place to prevent it from happening to them. Scarily enough, the average victim spends over 600 hours and $16,000 sorting out the problem. And Internet users are FIFTY TIMES … Continue Reading “Anti-Identity Theft”

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Credit Card Fraud Scenarios

This post is for informational purposes and is based on the experiences of persons in the past. Please read it all carefully and pay attention to how easily they became victims of credit card fraud. Learn from the lessons that they learned the hard way:


This is a new one.

People sure stay busy trying to cheat us, don’t they?

A friend went to the local gym and placed his belongings in the locker. After the workout and a shower, he came out, saw the locker open, and thought to himself, ‘Funny, I thought I locked the locker. … Continue Reading “Credit Card Fraud Scenarios”

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LifeLock Identity Protection

Can you truly say that you are able to guarantee your good name? Not many people can because they have suffered from what everyone hopes will never happen to them – identity theft. The truth be told, there are millions of persons who have their identities stolen every year, resulting in loss of good credit and their names being tagged to fraudulent activities that they never committed. Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United Stares with over 9 million persons becoming victims each year. It is simply not enough to just be careful as this does not … Continue Reading “LifeLock Identity Protection”

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Beware Of Liars On The Internet

I got an email today from someone whose list I subscribe to. In the interest of helping all you webmasters out there, I am posting parts of that email that I believe you need to be aware of. It is as follows:

Why are there so many liars on the internet?

I did some research on some of the ‘Top Earners’ on the internet…and what I found was unbelievable!

One of them who ‘Made $426,000 in 4 Months Online with _______’ lives in a studio apartment in a tiny town in Texas for $280 per month.

Another one who is … Continue Reading “Beware Of Liars On The Internet”

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Sneaky Email Scams That You Should Be Aware Of

Scam Emails

In order to get people’s money and identities nowadays, there are thieves out there who will “go the extra mile” to gain ill-gotten profits for themselves. What has become a very common way of doing this is through email messages sent to unsuspecting individuals telling them that they have won money in online lotteries after their email address was picked from a million others. The amounts people are said to “win” varies, and as I have seen for myself can go up to $20,000,000, and even more. I have received so many of these emails that if they were all … Continue Reading “Sneaky Email Scams That You Should Be Aware Of”

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